Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Rosario Argentina

Ingrid and I are on the way to Argentina, with stops in Georgia (where Katrina lives) and Miami (for a couple of days in the Everglades before we leave for Argentina).
A new Bible School is starting in Rosario, and they asked me to come and help, following the advice of Nils Ivan Kastberg in Sweden. (It is Nils Ivan who opened the door to Argentina for me some 23 years ago)
I will be teaching a survey of the Gospels, but actually I will concentrate heavily on Luke.
We will also visit Mendoza. I have been there several times, and we have some close friends.
I plan to keep up on this blog, and I am hoping we get the blog set up that will appear on the site. It will be called
I'm trying to expand my online presence through both facebook and twitter. On facebook I am winstonmb. Twitter is @winstonmb
The picture is from our last trip, when we were in Salta and Jujuy provinces. We stopped and ate at this plac.